NucleoCounter® YC-100™ by Agapi Lab Solutions

Yeast Cell Counter
NucleoCounter® YC-100™

The quickest and most precise automated yeast cell counter for breweries and wineries

  • Eliminates subjectivity and human error
  • Calibration and maintenance free
  • Pitching yeast
  • 30 second analysis time

NucleoCounter® YC-100™
Key features:

  • Easy operation
  • 30 sec. analysis time
  • No cleaning or calibration
  • Maintenance and service free
  • Excellent reproducibility
  • Safe sample handling and disposal
  • Consistent, objective results

Agapi Lab Solutions is the exclusive distributor for the NucleoCounter® YC-100™ yeast cell counter. The NucleoCounter® YC-100™ is a yeast cell counter used to measure the total cell count and viability of yeast cells in suspension. With its high precision and accuracy, the NucleoCounter® YC-100™ is perfect for those who want a true quality product being both maintenance and calibration free.

The NucleoCounter® YC-100™ consists of a camera and an integrated fluorescence microscope designed to detect signals from the fluorescent dye, propidium iodide (PI) bound to DNA. Results from the NucleoCounter® YC-100™ represent either total or nonviable cell concentration, depending on the sample preparation.

Technical Specifications

Product number 900-0300
Loading volume 60 μl is loaded into the NucleoCassette™
Measurement volume 1 μl in the measurement chamber of the NucleoCassette™
Analysis time 30 seconds
Size 38 x 26 x 22 cm (W x H x D)
Weight 3 kg / 6.7 lb
Software NucleoView™ computer software for documentation and presentation - optional
Printer External printer for documentation - optional


NucleoCounter® YC-100™ Brochures

No. Assay Name Download
990 0010 NucleoCounter® YC-100™ – Application Flyer Download PDF

NucleoCounter® YC-100™ Application Notes

No. Assay Name Download
994 0302 Total cell count and viability of yeast in beer samples using the NucleoCounter® YC-100™ System Download PDF
994 0300 Total cell count of yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) using the NucleoCounter® YC-100™ system Download PDF

NucleoCounter® YC-100™ Documentation

No. Document Name Download
991 0009 User’s guide Download PDF
991 0006 NucleoView™ User’s Guide Download PDF
994 0014 NucleoCounter® System: Connecting a PCNEOS Thermal printer Download PDF
994 0016 Cleaning Guide for NucleoCounter® Family Download PDF
994 0030 LED Life Time Considerations for the NucleoCounter® Family Download PDF
Certificate of Conformity: NucleoCounter® YC-100™ Download PDF

Cell Counting and viability of yeast cells with
NucleoCounter® YC-100™

The NucleoCounter® YC-100™ automatically counts yeast cells in about 30 seconds, making manual counting obsolete. Like the original NucleoCounter®, an automated device for counting mammalian cells, the NucleoCounter® YC-100™ for yeast combines a fluorescence microscope with CCD camera and integrated image analysis software to perform rapid and accurate cell counts.
Monitoring the cell count during a fermentation run allows the scientist to activate inducible systems or harvest at optimal times for the best product yield. The NucleoCounter® YC- 100™ can provide a fast and accurate DNA-based volumetric cell count within seconds, independent of debris or substrate aggregates in the media.

This system uses a disposable sampling device, the NucleoCassette™. The small, plastic cassette is internally pre-coated with a fluorescent dye, propidium iodide (PI), which stains the cells’ nuclei. Because the NucleoCounter® detects signals from the stained nuclei, and not the cell, the system operates without regard to cell size or morphology.

NucleoCounter® YC-100™ Yeast cell counter methods and materials

Withdraw 100 µL of culture to ensure a representative sample, and place 50 µL into a 1.5 mL tube. Mix thoroughly by inverting and shaking to ensure homogeneity. Treat with 450 µL of Reagent YC-100™, a lysis/disaggregation buffer, which permeates the yeast cell wall and membranes, allowing the cellular DNA to be stained. Reagent YC-100™ has the ability to dissociate minor clusters of yeast cells, but not to dissolve or dissociate cells that are in the process of reproductive division. Vortex or pipette vigorously for a few seconds to mix. The total volume is now 500 µL, with a 10-fold dilution. If necessary, repeat the dilution process to yield a sample 1 x 105 cells/mL to 2 x 106 cells/mL. (In general, a 100 to 1,000-fold dilution is generally suitable.)

Load the sample into the NucleoCassette™, using the built-in piston to aspirate a pre-defined volume of approximately 50 µL. Place the NucleoCassette™ into the NucleoCounter® and press “Run”. In about 30 seconds, the total cell count will be calculated and shown on a built-in display.

For a viability count, you load the original cell culture into a cassette and this way you can calculate a viability.

Visual presentation of yeast cell count

Using optional NucleoView™ software connected to your PC, you may additionally store and export results, as well as view an image of the stained cells. Results may be plotted as Optical Density (OD600) against Cell concentration (cells/mL) or Dry Cellular Weight (g/L) against Cell concentration (cells/mL).


Figure 2: NucleoCounter® YC-100™ raw image of yeast cells in suspension (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) after Reagent YC-100 treatment using 100-fold dilution.

Cell count is approx. 8 x 107/mL. The objects have similar fluorescence intensities and are uniform in size, indicating minimal cell disruption. The yeast cells are uniformly dispersed throughout the entire image. The yeast cells may be manually monitored in the NucleoCassette™ measurement chamber using fluorescence microscopy with appropriate filters for propidium iodide.

Clean up is simple. After use, the NucleoCassette™ can be disposed of as biological waste, with the PI dye safely enclosed. Unlike flow systems and hemacytometers, the system requires no cleaning, maintenance, or calibration.

NucleoCounter® YC-100™ References


Elżbieta Żyrek (Specjalista d/s Mikrobiologii) from the Polish brewery group, Zywiec Group, has tested the NucleoCounter® YC-100™ and her conclusion is as quoted: “This is the best system from all others which has been tested/considered by me.” She emphasizes the reliable and objective estimation of total count and viability. Read the complete recommendation from Zywiec Group.

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